HTMA Тест в ARL / Само тест /

HTMA is a non-invasive functional lab test involving a microscopic examination of a hair sample. It looks at your biochemistry at a cellular level and can determine deficiencies, imbalances, and toxicity.

Included in this package:

  • Laboratory test results from the Analytical Research Laboratory
  • Entry to a private Telegram group for discussions

After purchase, you will be able to download the Hair Sampling Instructions. Follow the instructions and send your hair to the lab.

When the results are ready (it may take up to a month depending on the efficiency of the postal services) you will be emailed the test result file.

230 лв.

HTMA is a non-invasive functional lab test involving a microscopic examination of a hair sample. It looks at your biochemistry at a cellular level and can determine deficiencies, imbalances, and toxicity.

Included in this package:

  • Laboratory test results from the Analytical Research Laboratory
  • Entry to a private Telegram group for discussions

After purchase, you will be able to download the Hair Sampling Instructions. Follow the instructions and send your hair to the lab.

When the results are ready (it may take up to a month depending on the efficiency of the postal services) you will be emailed the test result file.


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